Sanghyang Tikoro, Cipatatat, Kabuaten Bandung Barat

Monday, January 4, 2016 0 comments

Sanghyang Tikoro – Tahukah anda bahwa Kawasan wilayah Bandung dulunya adalah sebuah wilayah bekas sebuah Danau yang sangat terkenal dengan sebutan Danau Bandung Purba ? dan tahukah anda menghilangnya air danau tersebut sekaligus cikal bakal terbentuknya kawasan wilayah Bandung raya ternyata hilang di sebuah tempat yang paling misterius di dunia yang bernama Sanghyang...

Gunung Kelimutu, Ende, Flores

Monday, January 4, 2016 0 comments

PESONA INDONESIA SETETES SURGA DI TANAH FLORES Oleh : Adhyaksa Prayoga Lagi dan lagi, kecantikan alam Indonesia tak terbantahkan. Lukisan Tuhan yang tertuang di tanah Indonesia, pesona wisata, Danau Kelimutu. Mari sejenak berimajinasi menerbangkan angan ke Danau Kelimutu. Danau Kelimutu adalah danau kawah yang terletak di puncak Gunung Kelimutu (gunung berapi aktif)...

Lake Toba

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 0 comments

Lake Toba is an immense volcanic lake covering an area of 1,707 km² (1,000 km² bigger than Singapore) with an island in its centre. Formed by a gigantic volcanic eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent caldera on Earth. Some studies say it might have been associated with causing previous ice age/climate change and the largest human...

People & Culture

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 0 comments

Living on more than 13,400 islands, the Indonesian nation today counts some 200 million population comprising more than 200 ethnic groups. After Independence in 1945 inter-marriages among people of different ethnic groups have welded the population into a more cohesive Indonesian nation. The majority of the population embraces Islam, while in Bali the Hindu religion is predominant....

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